IncQuery at AeroTech

Discover our cutting-edge solutions at AeroTech, the premier event for aerospace technology.
March 6, 2024

Spring marks the beginning of the conference season, and IncQuery is set to attend several key events, starting with AeroTech from March 12-14 in Charlotte, NC. AeroTech stands as a premier conference in aerospace technology, showcasing everything from supersonic aircraft to sustainable aviation innovations, and offering exceptional opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange.

Our expert, Péter Lunk, looks forward to meeting future clients and discussing how our tailored solutions can support the aerospace industry's evolving needs. This event is an ideal platform for us to share insights and explore the latest in aerospace technology with industry professionals. We are also eager to highlight our contributions to the field with two case studies demonstrating our solutions inaction within the aerospace industry:
Innovative tool development in aerospace for Acubed by Airbus
IncQuery Suite at the NASA Jet PropulsionLaboratory

Join us to explore the latest advancements and connect with professionals driving aerospace innovation.

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Three client management experts contributing in asynchronous communication.Two client management experts contributing in a phonecall.